Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sunday Feb 13th. Team WOD

It's warm enough to Run...& Run...& Run!
Today's Team WOD.
Break up into teams of 3
Each team must complete:
400m run....
150 Power Cleans (95/65)
300 Overhead Plate Lunges (25/10)
When finished, all 3 members broad jump down and back. 
Only two members working at a time. One person on each item, the third person running 400m.  (runner moves to power cleans: power cleans moves to lunges: lunges runs 400m.)
Record time to finish and total number of 400m runs.
Anyone can come, so bring a friend... or an enemy. Class starts @ 11am if you want to come a little early to warm up, or help set up, gym will be open at 10am

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