The Circuit:
Work / Rest Intervals of 2 minutes of the Prescribed movement and 1 minute of rest

Wall Ball Shots (20/16)
Pull ups
Hand Stand Push ups
Sumo Deadlift High Pull(95/65)
Score is total reps plus calories rowed
Post workout Skill- Max time plank hold
(you will estimate your time before you start, and then try to reach it)
The notion here, is to first challenge your ability to recuperate after a sustained max effort movement. Notice the movements follow a "pull then push..." matrix. This should mean muscle fatigue going into each new movement will be minimized to allow for a higher capacity output.(capacity is always the primary goal) Second, the plank hold is an excellent indicator of overall athletic, or physical intelligence quotient. How well we can communicate, to our bodies, the desired endstate is a result of our ability to translate thought into action, reaction and adjustment. This "skill" portion should challenge the secondary and tertiary muscle groups and bands required of the plank hold. Not to mention, the psychological portion!
Not great; 38cal/47/10/24(mod)/25@75lbs = 144
ReplyDelete1:33 plank (wrist got in my head)...