Today's WOD will have a different feel. We will focus on two skilled movements that are essential to CrossFit and to functional movement. The whole point of working these skills and improving them is two-fold. First, pragmatically, so that you will not have to scale a workout when these movements come up. Second, these movements, practiced, elicit a neuro-physiological apaptation. (getting proficient and efficient means getting better)
Monday Jan 17th:
10 minute warmup: distract shoulders, and loosen hips ny way you choose:but be thorough.
20 minute: Power Clean and Squat Clean Clinic.
Everyone will work on improving technique and move through drills until ready to practice under load
20 minute Pull-up Clinic
Work on your current level for 5 minutes and then step up the ladder to work on the next movement.
(ring rows/ weighted ring rows/ bands/ jumping/ strict/ kipping/ chest 2 bar/ butterfly/ butterfly C2B)
DEVIL's AMRAP- 4 min ascending reps: Pushups/Airsquats/ Burpee:
Today is not about numbers: put the work in on technique and understanding the movement. Your numbers will improve. Have Fun! -G.