Time for Class
Squat Clinic:The basics of the air squat: mobility, mechanics, Range of Motion and resolution. Some of us have issues with mobility and even getting into a full air squat position. Others of us just need work on understanding the body position so that every repetition is full and complete. We are going to spend the first half of class today partnering up and running through a series of drills, stretches and fixes to get these essential mechanics down. Improper mechanics of mobility in the Air squat affects more than just a single movement. Unlocking the hip mobility required is a watershed in the development of posterior chain development, thoratic strength and mid-line stabilization. In other words. this is important. Also...
30 Clean and Jerks for Time (135/95)
5pm group will do the WOD first and then participate in the Squat Clinic. 530pm will do the clinic first.
Today's Quote:"If a man insisted always on being serious, and never allowed himself a bit of fun and relaxation, he would go mad or become unstable without knowing it." Herodotus (The Histories)
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