Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday 02.29.12

Today's business:

--The strength--
Deadlift 5-4-3-2-1

--The Metcon--
10 min amrap
10 MBC (20/14)
10 Box Jumps
20 V-ups

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday 02.28.12

Today's fun:

5 Rounds
7 Hang Power Cleans (115/75)
9 Front Squats
11 Walking Planks
for time.....

Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday 02.27.12

*CF7C had a great weekend! Big thanks to all who participated in the Games Open and Olympic Lifting Seminar. Also a Special thanks to Rachel Crass for taking time to better our Olympic lifts!

50 x Pull-ups
400m Run
21 x Thrusters @ #95/#65
800m Run
21 x Thrusters @ #95/#65
400m Run
50 x Pullups
for time...

Friday, February 24, 2012

Saturday 02.25.12

*No regular class today.

Olympic Lifting seminar today w/Rachel Crass from 4pm-6pm and tomorrow February 26 from 12pm-2pm
30$ for one day or 50$ for both don't miss out on a great opportunity to learn the lifts from a great Coach.

Friday 02.24.12

*Olympic Lifting seminar this weekend at CF7C w/Rachel Crass
February 25 from 4pm-6pm
and February 26 from 12pm-2pm
30$ for one day or 50$ for both don't miss out on a great opportunity to learn the lifts from a great Coach.
Sign up at the gym!

-The WOD-
* * * (Games Style)

-The Games open-
7 min
Max reps of...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday 2.23.12

*The CrossFit Games Open has begun, Olympic Lifting Seminar this many things goin on @CF7C don't miss out on any these great things. Become a part of the CrossFit community it's the best part!

--Games Open--
7 minutes
Max reps of Burpees ....

--Our wod--

10 - Walking Lunges
20 - Situps
30 - Powercleans
40 - Pullups
50 - HR Pushups
for time...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Wednesday 02.22.12

*Olympic Lifting seminar this weekend at CF7C w/Rachel Crass
February 25 from 4pm-6pm
and February 26 from 12pm-2pm
30$ for one day or 50$ for both don't miss out on a great opportunity to learn the lifts from a great Coach.
Sign up at the gym!

-Our Fun-

3-3-2-2-1-1 Front Squat

12 min AMRAP
10 Toes to Bar
10 Ring Pushups
10 Tuck Jumps

Tuesday 02.21.12

* Don't forget the Olympic lifting seminar with Rachel Crass this weekend it's gonna be a blast!!!
Saturday at 4pm and Sunday at 12pm and just 50$ for the whole weekend,
Don't miss out.

The WOD:

Thrusters (95/65)
Over the bar Burpees
* * *Each round complete 30 double unders.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday 02.20.12

Today's Hero:

20 min. AMRAP
10 Push Press (115/85)
10 Kettle Bell Swings (1.5/1pood)
10 Box Jumps (24/20)
for time...

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday 02.19.12


*Olympic Lifting seminar this weekend at CF7C w/Rachel Crass
February 25 from 4pm-6pm
and February 26 from 12pm-2pm
30$ for one day or 50$ for both don't miss out on a great opportunity to learn the lifts from a great Coach.
Sign up at the gym!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Saturday 02.18.12

How about some presses?

5x1 Shoulder Press

5x1 Push Press

5x1 Push/Split Jerk

trainers choice!!!

Friday 02.17.12

Today's fun:

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
135 pound Push press, 7 reps
135 pound Overhead squat, 10 reps
15 Sit-ups

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Thursday 02.16.12


1-1-1-1-1 Squat Cleans


"After burner"
4 Rounds
12 Thrusters(95/65)
200m run
for time...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Wednesday 02.15.12

The business:

" Sugar Daddy "
21 - 15 - 9
Deadlifts (225, 155)
400 Meter Run
for time...

Monday, February 13, 2012

Tuesday 02.14.12

"Valentines Day"

Game Day WOD 4:
AMRAP 12min
400m run
50 Hand Release Push Ups
40 Games Style Box Jumps (24, 20)
30 Kettlebell Swings (53, 35 )
20 Front Squats ( 155/115)

From Coach:
"Life's Greatest lesson...
We may grow older, but those doors we always think are closing are really not closing at all. As long as we stay fit and active and keep growing and learning, new doors- financial, social you name it- will keep opening. Kicking those doors open mean you want to continue to improve in all areas of life, whether you're 25 or 65, resting on your laurels is a recipe for disaster."

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Monday 02.13.12

Today's hero WOD:

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
24 inch Box Jump, 12 reps
95 pound Thruster, 6 reps
6 Bar-facing burpees

Friday, February 10, 2012

Saturday 02.11.12

Today's chaos:

--Speed Work--
8x8 Push Press @50% 1RM

--The Metcon--

"Trainers Choice!"

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Friday 02.10.12

The madness:

--Speed Work--
8x8 Front Squats @50% 1RM

--The Metcon--
400m run
40 Pushups
40 v-ups
40 situps
for time...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday 02.08.12

Today's work:

4 Rounds
5 Power Cleans(135/95)
7 Front Squats
10 Push Jerks
20 Pullups
for time...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Monday 02.06.12

The benchmark:

*Trainers Note: The Paleo Resolution winner will be decided this week be sure to follow the Facebook page for the winner to be announced. Also a slight change has been made to the schedule be sure to check the CF7C main page for info.

5 Rounds
20 Pullups
30 pushups
40 Situps
50 squats
3 min. Rest between Rounds

Friday, February 3, 2012

Saturday 02.04.12

*No regular class today... Go outside take a run get some fresh air and be sure to wish Coach Kenny congrats on completing The Apprentice School!!!

Friday 02.03.12

Today's business:

10 Rounds
3 Power Cleans (155/115)
10 MBC (20/14)
rest 30 sec. Between rounds
* your score is total time to finish rest time included

-- Today will also be the final weigh- ins for the Paleo Resolution. All the scores and weights will be evaluated and the Coaches will pick a winner next week!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Thursday 020212

Paleo Testing Day Two:

--Back Squat 5-3-1(testing for 1RM)
--Front Squat 5-3-1

-- 4 min. Max Situps
3 min. Max ring rows
3 min. Max burpees
for max reps...