Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday's fun

Double (AMRAP) Day

"Part One"
(7 min. amrap)
7 thrusters (95/65)
14 lateral hops

"Part Two"
(7 min. amrap)
7 pullups
7 knees to elbows

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Team Sunday...

girls vs. guys (3 per team)

800m relay run (X 2 per each team member)
10 burpees (per team member)
250 swings (use any weight available)
150 pushups (hand realease at the bottom)
250 situps
10 burpees (per team member)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Nurses Sucking Less at life...

The girls put in work yesterday, good job ladies!

No Class Today...

                       It's been a good week everyone.  No class today next class will be Sunday team fun day.  But for today,  rest days are great for recovery.  Drink lots of water eat clean and stretch for 15-20 minutes.  Address your mobility issues, if you have tight hips work on it.  If you have tight hamstrings work on it.  A great site to check out everything mobility is  Check it out and see everyone on Sunday.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Let's get stronger...

           Today let's get stronger.  Today the first part of the workout wiill be spent finding your one rep max on deadlift.  Same as last week sets and rep scheme is flexible.  After establishing our (1RM) rest five minutes then ....

                                         4 min. max reps of bodyweight squats
                                         3 min rest.
                                         3 min max reps of pushups
                                         2 min rest.
                                         2 min max reps of burpees 
                                     (add you reps together for your score)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Open Team WOD

Sunday Jan 23
Today's team WOD is a little different.
Two teams: all members working individually and adding up rounds for teams score.

6 minute AMRAP. 4 Deadlifts at 75% max
                              8 pullups
Rest 6 minutes
4 minute AMRAP. 5 Push Press 95/65
                             15 Air Squats
Rest 4 minutes
3 minute AMRAP. 3 Burpee Box jumps
                             6 Forward rolls

Team two will start at 6 minutes: when team one has finished the first AMRAP. Chasing to beat the first score. add up total rounds from each
 AMRAP for score.

James "OPT" Fitzgerald on the GHD, we'll be working on a scaled version of this WOD later.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's Thursday

Great job yesterday everyone.  It was good to see everyone set new records on their squat keep working hard and we will keep pushing barriers.  Today our progress continues.

"The Circuit"

20-15-10 reps of...
Hang squat cleans (95/65)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Workout...

"Strength Day"

 Today we are gonna concentrate on getting those legs stronger.  Today's strength work will be...
Find your one rep max (1RM) for your Back Squat.  Play with the amount of sets and the rep scheme.  For example your sets and reps could be (5reps-4reps-1rep-1rep-1rep).  Try to keep the amount of sets under 7.

"The Circuit"

3 Rounds
20 pullups (as unbroken as possible)
30 Bodyweight squats(fight team do wall balls)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday: It's time for a Clinic

     Today's WOD will have a different feel. We will focus on two skilled movements that are essential to CrossFit and to functional movement. The whole point of working these skills and improving them is two-fold. First, pragmatically, so that you will not have to scale a workout when these movements come up. Second, these movements, practiced, elicit a neuro-physiological apaptation. (getting proficient and efficient means getting better)
Monday Jan 17th:
10 minute warmup: distract shoulders, and loosen hips ny way you choose:but be thorough.
20 minute: Power Clean and Squat Clean Clinic.
             Everyone will work on improving technique and move through drills until ready to practice under load

20 minute Pull-up Clinic
             Work on your current level for 5 minutes and then step up the ladder to work on the next movement.
               (ring rows/ weighted ring rows/ bands/ jumping/ strict/ kipping/ chest 2 bar/ butterfly/ butterfly C2B)

THEN: DEVIL's AMRAP- 4 min ascending reps: Pushups/Airsquats/ Burpee:
Today is not about numbers: put the work in on technique and understanding the movement. Your numbers will improve. Have Fun! -G.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Saturday: Active Rest.

So today is an "active rest" day. What does that mean. It means today is a day to try and work n your mobility, ROM and knock some of the stiffness out of your body. We will do this by doing some type of low to medium intensity work,or by playing a sport. Today it will be taking a light jog.
WOD: 30 min run
The idea is not to see how far or how fast you can go, but rather to stay moving for the alotted period. We are trying to get our bodies ready for the team WOD free-for-all tomorrow. When you are done. Check out and spend a few minutes delaminating your hips and shoulders. Tomorrow will be tough!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Its Wednesday Again!

Todays WOD is designed to challenge you with a familiar movement in a different context.
Rounds of 30-20-15-10-5 for time:
Plate Clean and Jerk (45/25) Rx is squat clean
Overhead Plate lunges (45/25)

Everyone will spend 10 minutes before the WOD working on knees to elbows.
Have fun!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday's fun

                                       Look new pullup bar!  Tonight it will be put to good use.
Today's workout...
(20 minutes as many circuits as possible of...)
4 Pullups (scale as needed)
8 Pushups
12 Bodyweight squats

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Team Sunday...

 When doing the box jump it's important to reach full extension of the hips(aka open hips) on top of the box or while jumping off.

Teams of two will complete...
2x400 meter relay
10 burpees
80 overhead plate lunges
90 box jumps
80 push press
10 burpees

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thursday:Jan 06

Today's workout is a mixture of skill, power and cardio.
Split into two groups A and B
 Group A will work on Handstands/ holds and Handstand walks for 15 minutes
 Group B will do this metabolic conditioning:

3 Rounds for time:
Body Weight Deadlift
Wall Ball Shots (20/16)
Box Jumps
recover and switch:

(for a Wall Ball shot to count as a rep the crease of the hip must pass below the knee)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Wednesday Jan 5th:
Todays WOD is a series with a partner. Their work period is your recovery.
2 min: Max reps Overhead Squat with PVC pipe
          2 Min Rest
2 min: Max reps Parallette Push Ups
         2 Min Rest
2 min: Max reps Knees to Elbows (fight team Toes 2 Bar)
          2 Min rest
2 min: Medicine Ball Ground to Overhead (20/16)
           Rest 5 minutes then
Max rep Burpees in 3 minutes:
Score is total # of Reps for entire workout.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone, here is a little something special from class this week for your viewing pleasure. The workout was ...
4 Rounds
15 Burpees
10 Pullups

Great jobs guys!
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