Monday, February 28, 2011


Today's Workout...

20 min.(Amrap)
5 Power Cleans (135/95)
5 Front squats (135/95)
10 Ring dips

your total of rounds is your score...
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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Team Sunday...

3 Person Teams
(one person working at a time)
100 Shoulder to overhead (95/65) "bar stays off the ground"
150 Ring dips
250 Lateral hops
800m run (team runs and must finish together)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Strength Day!

Today's workout will be a strength workout.  The movement will be a strict shoulder press.  Remember with the strict shoulder press there is no legs or hips involved.  The bar will be in the front rack position, elbows slightly forward of the bar.  Drive the bar straight up once overhead drive the head straight through until your ear is slightly forward of your arms which will be completly locked overhead. 


           THE CIRCUIT
          (10 min AMRAP)
20 situps
10 weighted situps (20/10)
  5 burpees

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Monday, Feb 21.

"Row, Row, Row Your Boat" (or C2 Rower)

The Circuit:
Work / Rest Intervals of 2 minutes of the Prescribed movement and 1 minute of rest
Row for Calories
Wall Ball Shots (20/16)
Pull ups
Hand Stand Push ups
Sumo Deadlift High Pull(95/65)
Score is total reps plus calories rowed

Post workout Skill- Max time plank hold
(you will estimate your time  before you start, and then try to reach it)

The notion here, is to first challenge your ability to recuperate after a sustained max effort movement. Notice the movements follow a "pull then push..." matrix. This should mean muscle fatigue going into each new movement will be minimized to allow for a higher capacity output.(capacity is always the primary goal) Second, the plank hold is an excellent indicator of overall athletic, or physical intelligence quotient. How well we can communicate, to our bodies, the desired endstate is a result of our ability to translate thought into action, reaction and adjustment. This "skill" portion should challenge the secondary and tertiary muscle groups and bands required of the plank hold. Not to mention, the psychological portion!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sunday Feb 20th

Amazing Grace: Now with burpees!
"Be sure to stretch your hip flexors first"
800m Run...
Grace: 30 Clean and Jerks (135/95) for time
5 Burpees on the minute, every minute.
Clock starts when the run starts. When you return from the run (2 laps) begin Grace (30 clean and jerks). At the top of every minute, once you start the Clean and Jerks do 5 Burpees. This is an individual, not team workout.

 How Long can you hold a plank, or a side plank?
Try it and find out. What do your results reveal about the state of your fitness?

Today's Quote: "Better a little that is well done, than a great deal imperfectly" - Plato

Friday, February 18, 2011


Here are a few pictures taken over the past few weeks for your viewing pleasure enjoy...!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

It's Wednesday Everyone...

         Today's Workout
"The Running man"
10 burpees
400m run
30 pushups
15 one arm dumbell snatchs (per arm)
800m run
30 pushups
15 one arm dumbell snatchs (per arm)
400m run
10 burpees
*fight team and elite will use an 115/75lb barbelll

Today's quote:  "We are what we repeatedly do.  Execellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."  -Aristotle


Monday, February 14, 2011

Beautiful Day!

Monday, February 14th
Valentine's Day:
Celebrate with a WOD before going out. Bring your significant other, have them join the fun.

Strength: Power/Endurance
Bench Press: max reps @ 135/95
   then quickly perform: 3 sets of 5 reps (no more than 2 minutes between sets)

The Circuit: Skill Performance
10 Turkish Get-Ups Left arm (pick load)
40 AbMat Situps
5 Kipping Front Levers
10 Turkish Get-Ups Right arm (same load)
40 AbMat Situps
5 Kipping Front Levers
50 Lateral Jumps
(Fight Team & Elite Men will attempt TGU with Olympic Bar)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sunday Feb 13th. Team WOD

It's warm enough to Run...& Run...& Run!
Today's Team WOD.
Break up into teams of 3
Each team must complete:
400m run....
150 Power Cleans (95/65)
300 Overhead Plate Lunges (25/10)
When finished, all 3 members broad jump down and back. 
Only two members working at a time. One person on each item, the third person running 400m.  (runner moves to power cleans: power cleans moves to lunges: lunges runs 400m.)
Record time to finish and total number of 400m runs.
Anyone can come, so bring a friend... or an enemy. Class starts @ 11am if you want to come a little early to warm up, or help set up, gym will be open at 10am

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thursday Feb 10th

All out Sprint (Metaphorically Speaking)

A. 10>1 of:
  Power Clean (95/65)
  Knees to Elbows
rest exactly 7 minutes then...
B. 3 rounds of:
15 Air Squats
15 Chest to Ground Push ups
(for extra credit: as many sets unbroken as possible)
record both times:
Each of these metabolic conditioners are short and involve relatively light weight. The mentality should be the same as in a 100m or 200m sprint. Go as hard as possible without having to stop and recover.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Its Time to Work

Wednesday February 9th

Strength: Front Squat: 6 x 2
(Work up to 80% maximum while focusing on depth and elbows)

The Circuit: 15 minute AMRAP
6 Ring Dips
6 Med Ball Cleans
6 Wipers
6 Body Weight Sumo Deadlift

Surveys will be handed out tonight and for the rest of the week. Sorry for the delay, your feed back is crucial to our mutual improvement and success -G
Todays quote: "A fashion is nothing but an induced epidemic" George Bernard Shaw

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Let the week begin...

          It's Monday again everyone.  This week everyone will be issued a survey.  The survey will ask you questions about better class times, types of equipment you would like to see in the gym, movements you love, and we want a little feedback about how we as trainers are doing.  So let the ideas flow and give us your opinions.

 Today's class we will start off with a Overhead Squat clinic.  Let's play around with weights and reps and get comfortable with weight being overhead.  The clinic will be followed by two heats of one of my favorite workouts.

Thrusters (95/65)
for time...Enjoy!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Team Sunday

Time for some Sunday fun. Everyone put there gameface on. Here is todays workout...

(3 person teams)
Without the bar touching the ground...
100 front squats (95/65)
100 ring pushups
10 (100yd suicides)
10 surfer burpees (each team member)

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

A WOD in Two Parts

Thursday February 3rd.
Break into two teams of equal numbers.
Team A: 5X3 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
           Focus on technique. Max weight not to        
           exceed 60% of 1 rep Max

Team B: Rounds of 25-20-15-10-5
            Wall Ball Shots (20/16)
             Lateral Wall Tosses (aka Fireballs)
             Weighted Situps (25/10)

Then: 3 rounds for time max time Chin over bar: team A then team B alternating.

Todays Quote: "To overcome difficulties is to experience the full delight of existence" Arthur Schopenhauer

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Wednesday February 2nd: 
Four Rounds For Time:
Run 400m
Run 400m
Run 400m
Run 400m
 Today's WOD should test your mental and physical capacity. During each 400m run I will post on the board the action to be performed when you come back in.Bars will be laid out with various weights, in case they are needed.Complete every run as fast as possible, come in, do the work, and take off for your next 400m run. You will not know the exercises in advance. Push yourself on every run, the next movement could be easy. Do not pace. This is one of my favorites and since we have a nice day I decided to break it out.
We will take HR before and 1 min after the workout. Post time and HRs

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Survey: Hey! You! What do you think?

 Our survey of what class times we could add, equipment we need more of, changes you would like to see, and just your general ideas, will be going around later this week and into next week. We are going to have some changes. More stuff, a second go around at the downstairs pull-up/ high rings project, and some other things we have up our metaphorical sleeve.  Anything you don't want to put on the survey: programming questions, gripes, or concerns. Please talk to either Cody or I.Your input is vital. Here is a pic of the gym now. Lets see how much it changes in the next few months.
Rest up, tomorrow's WOD is a killer. G

For your viewing pleasure...

Stumbled across this video in my quest for more information enjoy!